Teak Tectona Grandis-foton och fler bilder på 2015 - iStock


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Native to Southeast Asia. Wood used for fuel ,  Mar 29, 2019 Dlium Jati or teak (Tectona grandis) is a large, straight-trunked tree, large leaves and falling in the dry season, 30-40 meters high, clear bole of  Seeds for sale starting at € 5.20. A large, big-leaved, dry deciduous tree to 40 m ( 130 ft. Oct 29, 2020 Tectona grandis L.f., known as teak, is one of the most valuable tropical hardwood species that has been extensively planted in tropical zones,  Botanical name: Tectona grandis - [ (tek-toh-nuh) possibly derived from vernacular name of the tree, tekku; (GRAN-dees) or (GRAN-dis) large, spectacular ]  Jan 15, 2021 Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) is one of the most valuable, widely used tropical hardwood tree species. We performed a spatially intensive analysis  Teak (Tectona grandis) is a high quality timber species of the Verbenaceae family [1]. It is native to India, Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos and was first brought to  Sep 15, 2015 Currently, Tectona grandis is one of the most valuable trees in the world and no transcript dataset related to secondary xylem is available.

Tectona grandis

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The fine dust produced in machining operations may cause irritation of the skin or bronchial asthma and Botanical References. Range. E. Asia - Se hela listan på en.wikipedia.org Adress: Analysvägen 3, 435 33 Mölnlycke Telefon: 031-801020 E-post: info@tectonagrandis.se teak, teck Specie Tectona grandis Tectona hamiltoniana Tectona philippinensis Tectona L. f., 1781 è un genere di alberi tropicali a legno duro che comprende tre specie comunemente note come teak o teck. Sono specie tipiche delle foreste tropicali e subtropicali del sud e del sud-est dell'Asia. Il genere era tradizionalmente attribuito alla famiglia delle Verbenacee ma la moderna classificazione filogenetica lo inquadra tra le Lamiacee.

Teak - sv.LinkFang.org

Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very • Dupuy, B. & Verhaegen, D., 1993.

Tectona grandis

Lexikon för svenska synonymer - Synonymer.se

Het is een bladverliezende boom, iets wat in de tropen veel minder gebruikelijk is dan in de gematigde streken. Tectona grandis leaf Trunk cylindrical with opposite branches, spreading, Bark pale brown, with elongated thin peelings.

Tectona grandis

Teak (Tectona grandis) är ett träd i familjen kransblommiga växter (Lamiaceae) som förekommer i södra och sydöstra Asien. Artepitet grandis i det vetenskapliga  Tectona Grandis Furniture, Ahmedabad. #furniture #furnituredesign #architect #interiordesign #architecture #interiordesigner #tectona #tectonagrandis  Teak (Tectona grandis) är ett tropiskt träslag som har sitt urbestånd i Burma, Thailand och Indien. Idag odlas Teak över stora delar av världen. Ett passande  Flower and fruit production were used to assess plant fertility in a teak (Tectona grandis L.f) stand in southern Mozambique.
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Although significant soil erosion is widespread under teak and organic matter is frequently lost as leaves are burnt, research into the ‘pure teak problem,’ as it was called, did not generally confirm a second-rotation problem. Tectona grandis. Teak Family: Verbenaceae Other Common Names: Kyun (Burma), Teck (French), Teca (Spanish).
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Innovatív megoldások a kerti élettered kialakításához és az árnyékoláshoz A Tectona Grandist azzal a céllal hoztuk létre 20 évvel ezelőtt, hogy segítsünk otthont teremteni a zöldben a kertbarátoknak. We, Tectona Grandis, are one of most notable sources of furniture and other wooden items in the markets of India. The vision is to establish the name of our firm amongst the visionary, innovative and quality-driven firms in domain. For which, we are working responsibly as a manufacturer and retailer. Our product line ranges from Wooden Sofa Cum Adress: Analysvägen 3, 435 33 Mölnlycke Telefon: 031-801020 E-post: info@tectonagrandis.se Tectona grandis is the type species of the genus.