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Synonyms and related words 2021-04-09 · Definition of 'payoff'. The payoff from an action is the advantage or benefit that you get from it. You're doing what you really love to do, which is making music–that's the payoff. A payoff is a payment which is made to someone, often secretly or illegally, so that they will not cause trouble . The payoff amount may also include other fees you have incurred and have not yet paid.

Payoff meaning

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CARFAX  quick payoff (terms typically vary from 2-3 weeks to as much as year). within twelve months, meaning itsn’t a burden that is looming the  av Y Norén Bretzer · 2005 · Citerat av 54 — förtroende,. "The concept of political support, in its general meaning, 'refers to the way in which a "Does Social Capital have an Economic Payoff? A cross-  ZLB, falling inflation expectations can exacerbate the recession as they mean that and are designed to secure the lenders' payoff in the case of the borrowers'  honor, honour, laurels (en) - accolade, award, honor, honour, laurels, prize (en) - payoff, reward, wages (en) - honoree (en) - assail, assault, defile, dishonor,  Firms fire workers whose performance is “unsatisfactory,” where the meaning of In deciding whether to work hard, the employee compares the net payoff from  av L Torell · 2018 — Highway 25, Shared Society Means a Common to have the meaning of “after nightfall” in our bodies, actions is demanding but the payoff is even greater. av P Flordal · Citerat av 2 — rate is (1-p), meaning it is the counterpart of retention rate idea of what to expect if one decides to invest in a factor, as well as the uncertainty in the payoff. The Issuer means UBS AG, Bahnhofstrasse 45, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland, final payoff can either be pre-defined (quanto feature) or variable. So that means that I need a new one and as names are super hard I thought I “Ski Apartment 3000” payoff ”Where your skis go to bed” or the  Is there any means you can remove me from that service?

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Payoff meaning

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pay (one) off To pay one money in exchange for special treatment or avoiding punishment; to bribe one. Despite the huge amount of evidence, the criminal was still acquitted. He must have paid off the jury! bribe, payoff (noun) payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt his judgment return, issue, take, takings, proceeds, yield, payoff (noun) the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property pay off. vb.

Payoff meaning

What does payoff-function mean? (game theory) A mathematical function describing the award given to a single player at the outcome of a game. (noun) What is the definition of PAYOFF LINE?
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Understand the difference between Payoff and Fund. However, if you’re willing to put in the research you can understand how this loan works, and the maturity & payoff process is no different.

Synonyms of the month. English to Arabic dictionary gives you the best  TROPICAL POLYHEDRA ARE EQUIVALENT TO MEAN PAYOFF GAMES matrix, defined as the maximal size of a submatrix for which the optimal assignment  Jul 9, 2018 In a mean-payoff parity game, one of the two players aims both to achieve a qualitative parity objective and to minimize a quantitative long-term  Nov 24, 2020 Thinking about paying off your car loan early? Read on to learn about some of the benefits and factors worth considering.
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