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We use cookies to ensure we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that that you are happy to receive all cookies. However, if you would like to, you can Axell Group 1 Sierpnia 6, Budynek D 02-134 Warszawa POLAND +48 734 176 841 info.group@axell.pl Firma posiada numer NIP 8361749700, numer REGON 750814087 i KRS 0000216123, a jej siedziba mieści się pod adresem: Ul. Rybickiego 41 96-100 Skierniewice, województwo ŁÓDZKIE. Z firmą AXELL POLSKA 2004 SP Z O O skontaktujesz się telefonicznie pod numerem +48468343566.
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Kontakt; Select the portal to which you want to log in. Axell Group 1 Sierpnia 6, Budynek D 02-134 Warszawa POLAND +48 734 176 841 info.group@axell.pl. Zostańmy
We use cookies to ensure we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that that you are happy to receive all cookies. I agree Axell Group to process my personal information contained in this form in order to obtain a response to the question asked. The administrator of your data is HOLDING J. TIMMERMANS DIESSEN BV with its registered office in Tilburg, H.R. 18054337. The administrator of your data is HOLDING J. TIMMERMANS DIESSEN BV with its registered office in Tilburg, H.R. 18054337.
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The administrator of your data is HOLDING J. TIMMERMANS DIESSEN BV with its registered office in Tilburg, H.R. 18054337.