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Once they saw each other in person, however, those nerves faded away. Students Shannon Lonergan, 21, from Ireland, and Sara Nordstrom, 17, from Sweden found each other via a website which links up people to identical strangers. 2015-12-17 · Sara Nordstrom of Sweden, 17, (left) and Shannon Lonergan of Ireland , 21, met on TwinStrangers.com. Sara Nordstrom and Shannon Lonergan are two strangers that found each other after setting up profiles on Twin Strangers, a doppelgnger-discovery network. The site used their photos to match facial features and determined that they bear an uncanny resemblance.
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View Sara Nordstrom’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Sara has 10 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Sara’s Shannon Nordstrom We found 7 records for Shannon Nordstrom in California, Oklahoma and 4 other states.Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records.
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Ser du skillnaden? Inte vi heller. Sara Nordström, 17, åkte från Örebro till Dublin för att träffa sin dubbelgångare Shannon Lonergan, 21.
For Sara Nordstrom
A WOMAN has met her Swedish doppelganger for the first time – and they look so alike even her dad can’t tell them apart. Students Shannon Lonergan, 21, from Ireland, and Sara Nordstrom, 17, from
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21岁爱尔兰 名叫Sara Nordstrom,17岁,. Shannon Sara说:“在前往爱尔兰前,我感到紧张,但非常激动。我害怕与 5 Dez 2016 1 – Shannon Lonergan, 21 anos, e Sara Nordstrom, 17 anos. A jovem Shannon, do County Kerry, na Irlanda, é estudante e descobriu que Dec 31, 2015 Sara Nordstrom and Shannon Lonergan, who look nothing short of identical twins sharing 100% similar DNA, also found each other through 28. prosinec 2015 Irka Shannon Lonergan a sedmnáctiletá Švédka Sara Nordstrom.
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S hannon Lonergan (21) from County Kerry discovered her lookalike after being contacted by Sara Nordstrom (17) from Sweden. After finding Shannon’s photo, Sara said: 2015-12-21 2019-08-19 Sara Nordström finns på Facebook Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Sara Nordström och andra som du känner. Med Facebook kan du dela ditt liv Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Twin Strangers. We are the original youtube channel that has brought doppelgänger’s from all over the world face t 2015-12-21 Najnovšie články. 10 zaujímavostí spojených s ľudským telom a zdravím, ktoré ste pravdepodobne ešte nepočuli #5; Tepelné čerpadlá – Európa na ne spolieha cez 50 … Shop for sara at Nordstrom.com. Free Shipping.