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TAPANI RIEKKI*, MARJAANA LINDEMAN, The World Health Organization lists several gender-specific risk factors for depression that affect far more women than men worldwide, including: Gender- based 26 Jan 2021 Common Sports Injuries – Fact vs Fiction: Are Female Athletes More Prone to Injury? Bone Stress Injuries - Fact. These types of injuries are 16 Jul 2020 Children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) whose disease is caused by a deletion in part of chromosome 15 may be more prone to obesity 3 Aug 2020 The Significance of Age · Behavioral Risk Factors: Actions that put seniors more at risk to fall, such as overexerting themselves or not 30 Jan 2020 The finding was in line with earlier observations that men with underlying health problems were more prone to the virus, but the latest study was 11 Sep 2019 Why are Women More Prone to Arthritis. Though there is no exact reason why women's risks are higher, there are several factors that can Are the coronary arteries more prone to developing blockages than arteries elsewhere in the body? When arteries from other parts of the body are used in High quality example sentences with “it is more prone to” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in 16 Nov 2015 While Goldens in the United States are most likely to develop hemangiosarcoma, those from the United Kingdom are more prone to lymphoma. Women are more susceptible to some injuries than men. Especially with ACL injuries and knee pain.
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This means your body may be more prone to infections English. in blood platelets (may make you more prone to bruising and bleeding) The topics uncertainty and medical errors were studied in more detail. The younger physicians were more prone to use electronic databases and consult on Dental disease is the most common chronic problem in pets, affecting 80% of all dogs by age two. And unfortunately, your Min Pin is more likely than other dogs Read more prone to the penis in loss was hypothyroidism.
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(Follow @GZEROMedia for more.) It seems as if cold climate makes countries more prone to pay debts. ٧:٤٩ م - ١٧ نوفمبر We know that women are generally more likely than men to seek treatment, but the reason is less clear. Men are also more prone to risk-taking and accidents Some dogs are more prone to the accumulation of dental tartar.
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