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T-Series는 또한 유튜브 채널 중 가장 많이 본 채널이자 구독자 수가 제일 많은 채널로, 퓨디파이를 제치고 1억명 이상의 구독자를 가지고 있다. [4] 2020년 12월 18일 기준으로 구독자는 1.68억명이다. Zlom pro T-Series nastal po vydání alba Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak v roce 1988, které složil Anand-Milind a texty vytvořil Majroo Sultanpuri. Toto album se stalo jedním z nejprodávanějších indických hudebních alb osmdesátých let s více než 8 miliony prodaných kopií. T-Series также владеет и управляет самым просматриваемым и самым подписанным каналом на YouTube, с 171 миллионами подписчиков и 120 миллиардами просмотров по состоянию на август 2020 года. T-Series, 2014 itibarıyla Hindistan müzik pazarının %35'ine sahiptir ve Hindistan'ın en büyük müzik şirketini oluşturur.

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T-Series Mapping was able to get three of Protonic's videos taken down until Protonic unlisted the remainder of the videos himself out of fear. Protonic later left Discord, and his YouTube channel was silent for several months. T-Series joins IPRS – A big boost to the Indian Music Publishing Industry. T-Series and The Indian Performing Right Society Limited (“IPRS”) in a joint press release announced today that Super Cassettes Industries Limited, popularly known as “T-Series Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series leaving its mark on 2019 with 10 films going on floors in one month.

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T-Series is one of the fastest-growing channels on YouTube.In April 2019, T-Series became a YouTube channel with the most subscribers, surpassing PewDiePie.In late May 2019, T-Series officially became the first YouTube channel ever to pass 100 million subscribers. Check T-Series's real time subscriber count updated every second. T-Series Irons represent an entirely unique approach to iron engineering built from the ground up. Powered by breakthrough technology – including new Max Impact – they deliver a balance of power and performance, unlike anything we’ve ever made.
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