Research at Uppsala University - Uppsala University, Sweden


a few examples - Swedish translation – Linguee

Refugees and asylum seekers share many aspects in 10. Asylum seekers make up a tiny proportion of new arrivals in Britain. Today’s statistics show that 617,000 people arrived in Britain in the year to September 2015 – asylum seekers coming to Britain escaping persecution made up just 6% of that figure. Of course, not all asylum seekers will be granted permission to stay in Britain.

Asylum seekers examples

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av A Galfi Björkman · 2020 — example different power relations (Fairclough, 2013, P. 4p). the idea in EU discourse that asylum seekers and refugees are a threat to the European. To cite a few examples, based on the joint assessment of situations in countries of origin, of certain types of cases or of certain aspects of asylum applications  The number of Afghan asylum applicants entering Denmark and As an example of the Taliban's lack of control, DACAAR mentioned that one  Around 50 per cent of asylum seekers have taken this opportunity to go and live with relatives, for example - often in areas that have a high  av E Wikström · 2019 · Citerat av 4 — We ask why the employment of refugees in forestry, a sector Åslund, O, Hensvik, L, Skans, ON (2014) Seeking similarity: How immigrants and natives manage in the labor market. Nordic experiences and examples. Arkiveringsdatum 200831: Kanada/ UNHCR: Residency to asylum-seekers Yet again, the report points to examples in some Member States of changes in  50% of Fable's profits are given to charitable causes, including an organisation that donates skate equipment to temporary accommodation for asylum seekers. We began collecting examples in June and July 2017. We encounter unaccompanied minors and young asylum seekers in our professions,  Many translation examples sorted by field of activity containing “asyl” how the school time at Norrvalla has affected the asylum seekers' health and well-being.

Sweden Resource Centre

Some asylum seekers have given up on waiting in Tijuana and tried to cross in Texas because they heard families weren’t being expelled there — which is true in some, but not all, cases. An asylum seeker may have applied for Convention refugee status or for complementary forms of protection. Asylum is thus a category that includes different forms of protection. Which form of protection is offered depends on the legal definition that best describes the asylum seeker's reasons to flee.

Asylum seekers examples

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Strong partnership working . Working across organisational boundaries to deliver services that respond to needs in a culturally appropriate way.

Asylum seekers examples

Provision of services by community organisations and including asylum seekers and refugees. Strong partnership working . Working across organisational boundaries to deliver services that respond to needs in a culturally appropriate way. Asylum seekers from all over the world can spend months to years languishing in US immigrant prisons while pursuing their cases and even after receiving final orders of removal.
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Several of its projects were targeted at migrants, asylum seekers and refugees (particularly in connection with learning English and using peer learning).

ALERT: On Aug. 2, 2019, USCIS rescinded the May 31, 2019, memorandum, “Updated Procedures for Asylum Applications Filed by Unaccompanied Alien Children,” when the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland in the case of J.O.P.
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a few examples - Swedish translation – Linguee

Problems of access are particularly felt by women, older refugees and asylum seekers, those who are carers Asylum seekers and refugees do have some options if they think their human rights have been breached. For example, they can: • apply to some tribunals and courts for review of certain visa-related decisions • complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsman, for example, about the Department of Immigration’s decision-making processes The definition of asylum seekers is someone who has left his country of origin and formally applied for asylum in another country but whose application has yet not been accepted. The 1951 Geneva Convention was adopted by the international community in face of the growing atrocities on refugees. Several of its projects were targeted at migrants, asylum seekers and refugees (particularly in connection with learning English and using peer learning).