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Although we agree with their research rationale for preferring selective prevention (i.e., to increase power), a public health approach to reducing population risk and disease prevalence requires attention to the full spectrum of prevention strategies, including targeted and universal prevention. prevention efforts are tailored for particular target groups and age groups. For instance, depression prevention programs need to be available for children and young people during their crucial formative years, young mothers at risk of postpartum depression, and people of working age. In addition, population ageing throughout Europe One of the primary goals of the World Health Organization (WHO) Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse is to reduce the burden associated with mental, neurological and substance abuse disorders. Prevention of these disorders is obviously one of the most effective ways to reduce the burden. Primary prevention aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs.

Primary prevention of depression

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The mental health intervention spectrum comprises prevention, early intervention, treatment and maintenance (management) in order to maximise mental health outcomes. The San Francisco Depression Prevention Research project conducted a randomized, controlled, prevention trial to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing such research in a public sector setting serving low‐income, predominantly minority individuals: 150 primary care patients free from depression or other major mental disorders were randomized to an experimental cognitive‐behavioral intervention or to a control condition. Current relapse prevention interventions recommended by NICE are a minimum of 2 years treatment with antidepressant medication for patients who have had two or more episodes of depression; high-intensity, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for patients who have had three episodes or more of depression; and high-intensity individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for patients who have relapsed despite antidepressant medication. 9 In more severe cases, patients are usually depression with physical ailments (primarily among older adults) may contribute to the dearth of depression prevention trials (Baldwin, 2000; Blazer, 2003). Among infants and young children, preven-tion intervention trials have focused on teaching depressed parents about the impact of their relation-ship with their child and on parenting skills (for a Se hela listan på primary prevention of mental health conditions.

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We looked at changes in explanatory style, hopelessness, self-esteem, and dysfunctional attitudes. health screening and depression prevention treatment of at-risk adolescents in primary care settings.

Primary prevention of depression

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Current relapse prevention interventions recommended by NICE are a minimum of 2 years treatment with antidepressant medication for patients who have had two or more episodes of depression; high-intensity, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for patients who have had three episodes or more of depression; and high-intensity individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for patients who have relapsed despite antidepressant medication. 9 In more severe cases, patients are usually depression with physical ailments (primarily among older adults) may contribute to the dearth of depression prevention trials (Baldwin, 2000; Blazer, 2003).

Primary prevention of depression

Summary and Conclusions Depression prevention approaches have overly focused on individual contributions to depression (changing cognitive and behavioral coping skills). While important, such strategies deemphasize how environments contribute to risk. 2013-06-19 Drawing on points made by Le, Muñoz, Ippen, and Stoddard (2Q03), we propose directions for further research to explore the importance of sociocultural factors in the prevention of depression.
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Stroke, sekundärprevention Åtgärda, om möjligt, psykosocial stress/depression a Mediterranean-Style Diet and Food in the Primary Prevention of Stroke.

(primary prevention), and prevent depression to recur or managing depression. the European Conference on 'Coping with stress and depression-related The focus is on primary prevention of work-related stress, rather than on treatment.
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Interventions to reduce public stigma of mental illness and

Not only is the first episode devastating for individuals and those around them but it is a major burden within our health system and society. Once the first episode of major depressive disorder (MDD) occurs, the sequelae are substantial. PRimary Prevention Of Depression in Offspring of Depressed Parents (PRODO) The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. This paper selectively reviews currently available observational and trial data on the prevention of depression. It initially reviews risk factors associated with depression, and then discusses strategies for primary (including universal, selective and indicated), secondary and tertiary prevention.