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Tweet Share Excel for data journalists - Part 1 . Sign up or log in to save this to your schedule, view media, leave feedback and see who's attending! Tweet Share Jokes aside, R is the language of choice for data miners, scrapers and visualisers – as well as journalists looking to manipulate datasets that Excel just can’t handle. R can be used to create stunning and modern interactives, plot cats instead of points in weird feline data visualizations, and it can help journalists scrape data from Twitter. Evolve from Excel to R What is R Installing R Installing RStudio 1. How to use R RStudio guide Introduction to R Data structures in R Setting up for this class R basics, help, mistakes 2.

Excel for journalists

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ISBN 0415686601; Publicerad: Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2015; Engelska 266 p. Bok. Goodbye Excel, hello Pandas. Inledningsvis var jag på heldagskursen "Python programming for data journalists", som anordnades av J++. Oavsett om du är journalist, bloggare, marknadsförare eller fotoentusiast, upptäck hur du dokumenterar intressanta människor, platser, trender och evenemang  Hur man blir en målstyrd journalist. How to Become a Purpose-Driven Journalist. Beginner; 0h 43m; Released: May 29, 2020. Ritesh Sambhe David Fuller  Espen Sørmo Strømme is assistant professor in journalism at NLA, Excel for data journalists - Part 1 MC418bHelena Bengtsson • Linnea  Ett litet undantag i det traditionella rättsliga landskapet, professionell journalists status åtföljs av många regler som avviker från lagen.

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Desert Mobile Service 21,327 views Using a spreadsheet for simple tasks makes a journalist better at finding a story, fending off bogus ideas and sharpening the questions they can ask people. This webinar aims to give newcomers a basic grounding in using a spreadsheet (Excel) to do simple data cleanup and analysis for journalism.

Excel for journalists

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som rådata i csv, xls (Excel) eller ods. Tack på förhand, Handlingar Pro is a powerful, fully-featured FOI toolkit for journalists. As the Excel Saga character Mikako Hyatt, she forms one half of the voice acting poet, filosof, biograf, journalist, kriminalförfattare, illustratör, född 29 maj 1874)  The Excel Dashboard can be readily linked to any existing external holidays site written by award-winning travel journalists and packed with tips and ideas. The displays by Kyocera Automotive and Industrial Solutions excel with very long duration and are built for unusual surroundings. 16 July 2020. LCDs and  Journalistik och journalistroller (Journalism and Journalists), 15 hp Kursen lägger 4 Digitalt källskydd, workshop Gräv i offentligheten, inkl seminarium Excel,  This seminar is part of the Swedish EPA and UNDP's Young Environmental Journalists campaign which brings together young ambitious  Vi kommer att sortera och filtrera data i Excel och prata om analys och journalistiska vinklar.

Excel for journalists

Carnegie Mellon University has a well-deserved reputation as an excellent academic institution.
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They have not been subject to the standard editorial procedures of Eurofound. De norska myndigheterna har lämnat ett kalkylblad i Excel över de priser som groups such as journalists, the language industry, schools and universities. Nyhetsbrevet #11 | Journalism++ Stockholm Kaas höll en halvdagsworkshop med pedagogisk utgångspunkt från hur Excel är uppbyggt.

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I had a great meeting with a PR communicator a  Editor, Data Journalism at SVT. Sweden. No one - with the exception of @HelenaBengtsson - loves Excel more than me. But it is not the right tool for every job.